Resultados: 3

The impact of depression in the Brazilian private healthcare system: patient journey and economic burden study associating claim database and expert’s opinion approach

Objective: The study aimed to describe the profile and economic burden of patients with depression from the perspective of the Brazilian Private Healthcare System (PHS). Methods: A two-step methodological quantitative-qualitative research design was performed: retrospective descriptive analysis of the Or...

The impact of patients with generalized anxiety disorder in the Brazilian Private Healthcare System: a claim database study with expert’s perspective

This study describes the healthcare resource use and costs associated with anxiety assessing claim database outcomes and expert opinion from the perspective of the Brazilian Private Healthcare System. A retrospective analysis of the Orizon database was conducted, containing claims data of anxiety patient...

Cost of chronic red blood cell transfusion in the Brazilian private healthcare sector from a payer perspective

Objective: In the private healthcare sector in Brazil, the dearth of information regarding transfusion cost may compromise the management of conditions requiring long-term transfusion. Therefore, the present study aimed to estimate the cost of chronic red blood cell (RBC) transfusion in this context. Met...

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